2.1 Overall UseCase Diagram

This diagram shows process involve there main user (actors) ADMIN STAFF and , MANAGEMENT STAFF and LECTURER. Lecturer as the main user can access the system to Register , Update or Delete information about their own Research and Publication material. Admin Staff is responsible to manage the lecturer information and also handling the reports for the management. Management Staff had the right to view all registered information and also access the management report through online access.
Actor (s) :

ADMIN STAFF -  Admin Staff  is the administration staff  in the Faculty administration office which will handle all he registration of  the lecturer who will involve in the system. They also will handle the reports for the management.

LECTURER -  Academic Staff  in the Faculty  is the main user who will use the system to register information about Research and Publication. They also can search from the system for any update of information among  the lecturer.

MANGEMENT STAFF -  The upper level of administrator staff such as the Vice Canselor, Dean or the Head of department. The will using the system to get reliable data from the report and statistic provided from the system to make and organization decision .